GMT Actors Model

A GMT integrated model is a collection of actors, each actor executing a specific task or set of tasks and exchanging data at predefined sampling rates.

The GMT Actors Model is distributed among 2 crates: gmt_dos-actors and gmt_dos-clients.

gmt_dos-actors implements the actor model including the methods to send and receive data to and from actors and the higher level abstraction of a model.

The interface between a client and the inputs and outputs of an actor is defined in the gmt_dos-clients crate. The crate also provides a set of clients with the gmt_dos-actors interface already setup.

To use gmt_dos-actors, add it to your list of dependencies with

cargo add gmt_dos-actors

and import the contents of the prelude module:

use gmt_dos_actors::prelude::*;

To use some of the clients in gmt_dos-clients, add the crate to your list of dependencies with

cargo add gmt_dos-clients

If you are only looking for the gmt_dos-actors interface, you can instead do

cargo add gmt_dos-clients --no-default-features --features interface